Arrival prices

On 31 December 2024, the UCITS’ exemption for the application of the full PRIIPs methodology will come to an end.

Deadline is approaching.

On 31 December 2024, the UCITS’ exemption for the application of the full PRIIPs methodology will
come to an end.

Need for the provision of Arrival Prices

In order to conform with the new calculation methodology of the transaction costs for PRIIPs KIDs, EPTs or EMTs, AlphaOmega needs to receive from its Clients the Arrival Prices, being the fair value of an instrument at the time the transaction order is transmitted to another person for execution.

Potential other solutions

In case they cannot provide the Arrival Prices, AlphaOmega can retrieve them and perform this new calculation on condition that we are provided with the following elements:

Where the time is not available it is permissible to use as the Arrival Price:

Please note however that using opening prices or previous closing prices might lead to larger transaction costs than currently displayed.

Need help for this transition?

Please do not hesitate to schedule a meeting with us to discuss your needs and how AlphaOmega can help you with this transition.

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