Official complaints
A client complaint is any statement by which a client expresses dissatisfaction with our services or our employees. In the event of a complaint, you may contact AlphaOmega at the following address:
AlphaOmega SA
H2O Building
33, rue de Gasperich
L-5826 Hesperange
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
You can also send an email at
The letter or email should clearly state in the subject that is a complaint. Information or explanation requests by you are not to be considered as a formal complaint.
To ensure that your complaint is handled quickly, please provide the following information / documents:
> Your name
> Address
> Name of the person raising the complaint
> Your current contact person in our company
> A description of your issue
> Potentially helpful documents that explain the facts
AlphaOmega will process your complaint as soon as possible.